Welcome to Cycle Savvy Driving

Cycle Savvy Driving is an exciting new project to help improve understanding and co-operation between people who drive and people who cycle. Help us shape the future of the driving industry, and shared road space.

Register below for your chance to access free online training and become Cycle Savvy.

To help us understand your interest in the course, we would like you to complete three short surveys about your views on driving and cycle riders. The surveys will be staged so that you complete the first survey now as part of the registration process, and the second survey immediately after you have completed the training on offer. The third survey will be emailed to you around two months after you have completed the training. Each survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Participation in the surveys is voluntary. Survey findings will help us to understand what learner drivers think about the training course, and will also help us to make improvements to it.

Please be assured that all responses are confidential, and findings will be reported anonymously to the Department for Transport. You can access the survey Privacy Notice, which explains the purposes for processing your data, your rights and the lawful basis under which it is collected here, privacy policy

The online training course is free, and will take you no more than 2 hours to complete. To register you will need your driving instructors username to hand.

By registering you could be one of 20 learner drivers to win a set of blind spot mirrors.

For the terms and conditions of participation, please click here.

Please complete the first survey below:

Please review the errors below and complete any missing fields where required.

  Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Most cycle riders adhere to the rules of the road
I understand why cycle riders may behave differently to motorists on public roads
Learner drivers need to take extra care when overtaking cycle riders
Cycle riders are unpredictable
There are too many cycle riders
It should be compulsory for all cycle riders to pass a cycling proficiency test before being allowed to use public roads
Cycle riders are a nuisance to other road users
Motorists should take more responsibility than cycle riders to ensure both parties are safe when using public roads
When incidents happen between motorists and cycle riders, it is usually the fault of the cycle rider
When incidents happen between motorists and cycle riders, it is usually the fault of the motorist
New drivers are more likely than experienced drivers to be a danger to cycle riders
Motorists should always have right of way over cycle riders when using public roads
It should be compulsory for learner drivers to undertake a cycling awareness course before they can take their driving test
Please enter the first part of your postcode. For example, if your postcode is NR3 1TD, please enter NR3. We are asking for this information because we would like to ensure we have achieved a broad geographical spread of responses to the survey.

We would now like to ask you a few questions about yourself. Your responses to these questions are confidential and individual responses will not be shared with the Department for Transport. An aggregated analysis of all responses to these questions will help us understand if there are any differences in the views of participants from different backgrounds.

To which ethnic group do you consider yourself to belong?
Asian or Asian British
Black/Black British
Other ethnic groups
The ADI who invited you can provide you with this.

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