Learner Driver Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
By registering to take part in the cycle awareness pilot I agree to the following terms and conditions:
Upon registration
I understand that I must complete the online baseline survey for pilot evaluation purposes to complete my registration.
I consent for the data that I have provided is to be held by The Bikeability Trust and Ipsos Mori for the duration of the pilot. Once I have completed three surveys, (baseline, intervention, and post intervention), data will be anonymised for evaluation purposes.
I agree for my contact details to be held by the Bikeability Trust for 5 years, and to be contacted by the Bikeability Trust over that time for further impact studies. This data will not be shared with any other organisation or individual.
I agree to complete an online feedback form after completing the online training intervention, for pilot evaluation purposes.
I agree to receive notifications requesting completion of an online feedback form, two months after completing the online training for pilot evaluation purposes.
I understand that this is a pilot project, and the practical and online training materials are not to be discussed or shared with other ADIs (apart from my current Instructor) or other learner drivers until November 2021.
I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of this pilot project.
I understand I can withdraw my consent to participate in the pilot by emailing the Bikeability Trust